Should I see a Chiro or a Physio?

Oh, if we had a dollar for each time we were asked this!

“I’ve have X, Y or Z happening, should I see a Chiropractor or a Physiotherapist?”

What people – like yourself – might consider before visiting an Allied Health Practitioner is what ailments and pain they are faced with. Among the most common are things like:

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Sciatica/bulging disc

…..and the list goes on!

Vivaci Family Chiropractic owners - Jess Monaghan and Daniel Sim

So, should I see a Chiro or a Physio?

Let’s consider this simplistically by looking at what a chiropractor does, and what a physiotherapist does.

Chiropractors work with your structure and nervous system to help improve the way you move and function as a whole. They do this using a range of techniques. Here at Vivaci Family Chiropractic we also have an emphasis on wellness and prevention.

Physiotherapists will tend to work more with muscle, ligament and tendon injuries or imbalances. There are also many different physio techniques. They may have a strong focus on rehabilitation and exercise therapy as well.

From the above, you can see how visiting both a Chiro and a Physio could be of benefit. We agree! If you have an injury or something specific that you are seeing a physio for, perhaps chiro can help too.

Why not both? meme from Old El Paso Hard and Soft Taco Advertisement.

Adjusting your spine and body could allow for greater improvement as it allows your brain to talk better with your body and vice versa – all in the name of healing.

The battle goes on – or does it?

For so long Chiropractic and Physiotherapy have been seen as a one-or-the-other option, but in fact we are very different in the way we assess and work with the person in front of us. This can be quite complementary in many cases and also to your advantage.

Collaboration can aid you in getting the most information and help to allow your body to heal the best that it can. We are blessed in the Riverland to have a great network of Health Professional to ensure your best results!

Here we look at things through a person centred model – where YOU are the priority. Wouldn’t it make sense to look at both improving movement and function of the body, spine and nervous system, while also dealing with areas of muscle, tendon, ligament tension and rehabilitation?

If you would like more information or feel that a chat to one of our Chiropractors could be of benefit to you, give us a call or fill in the enquiry form on the website

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